Certification guidelines


Work your way through each week and shoot videos for each topic for that week. Here's how you can upload videos:

1. Upload your videos on any coaching platform like YouTube or Vimeo.
2. Once you've uploaded the video, copy the link of that video.
3. Paste the link of that video under the appropriate topic


To upload a Private video on YouTube.com, Create a YouTube account (if you don't have one already), click on "Upload Video" and while the video is being uploaded, scroll down to "Privacy" section and select "Unlisted"
To upload a Private video on Vimeo.com, Create a Vimeo account (if you don't have one already), click on "Upload" button and while the video is being uploaded, scroll down to "Privacy" section and select "Anyone with a private link"

Video Topic

1.Introduction and rapport building

Here are points that you must cover when you shoot this video

Greet everyone and introduce yourself.

Involve all the participants and let them introduce themselves.

What do they want to achieve through the participation of the Masterminds?

What skills/ experiences/ resources do they bring to their group?


Feedback - All the guidelines were covered. The introduction was perfectly short and crisp. Also the ground rules set were crystal clear

Watch Arfeen's Video For Reference.

2.Road blocks

Here are points that you must cover when you shoot this video

Come up with different roadblocks/ reasons that stop you from solving this Power Leap

Limit the number of roadblocks, to accommodate your video duration

Shortlist the top 2 roadblocks


Feedback - All the guidelines were covered. Each participant got equal chance to share their roadblocks.

Watch Arfeen's Video For Reference.

3.Brain X Session

Here are points that you must cover when you shoot this video

Make sure you use the same roadblocks as you finalized in the last section, and brainstorm ideas for them in alignment with the Power Leap

Prioritize your ideas.

Shortlist 3 ideas for each roadblock


Feedback - All the guidelines were covered.

Watch Arfeen's Video For Reference.

4.Action and Accountability

Here are points that you must cover when you shoot this video

Once you finalize the ideas, make those ideas more specific, action-driven, and give them deadlines

Go through the final blueprint


Feedback - All the guidelines were covered.

Watch Arfeen's Video For Reference.